Sep 15, 2006

"Let one remain what he is"

"Let one remain what he is"

- Srila Prabhupada

It uplifted my spirits. I just loved it...."Let one remain what he is"

I can draw many meanings to this statement -

Remain what you are, do your duties ...but do it right.
Remain what you are, be truthful....but to yourself first.
Remain what you are, get angry.....but don't hurt anyone.
Remain what you are, don't ever cry.....nor make anyone cry.
Remain what you are, be happy....and make others happy.
Remain what you are, rest if you want...but never give up
Remain what you are, love truely...but don't expect anything in return.
Remain what you are, let remain other's what they can't change.

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