Aug 21, 2010


Do you like the unexpected? Like, you are trying to decode something for are almost ready to give up and suddenly it starts working or you are watching a movie and a particular scene brings smile to your face..where you did not except that expression or Someone walking by looks at you n compliments or Someone gets u lunch when you are busy on a conference call - The unexpected is very sweet. We also have the bad unexpected things that happen to us - Like u miss your train or flight delayed or canceled or someone at work is in a bad mood and you wonder what the F*** did I do (even though its not u) ...and you think these things happen only to me why? ..

Appreciate the 'UNEXPECTED' good or bad, we will not have anything to complain lol!!! :) ....


Kanishk said...

True that ! If there was no 'unexpected' there won't be much to life... if at all any life...

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

the unexpected frequently pours down on me, I find :) As for liking it, well... cant say I appreciate it much..