May 29, 2010

FRIENDS!!!! my wonderful friends.....

“It’s all in the perspective of how we see everything…good or bad”

This is a wonderful url I came across and reminds me of my life and hence sharing some of my experiences that exactly match to these...

[read the article in the url and then read my post]

(The article has listed Service Providers in a very selfish way... but I wasn't selfish when I reached out to people. My comments, my concern or anything that I did, was with uttermost sincerity)...

Service Provider No.1 - Doorman 'Willy' in NYC -

Willy, late 40s Afro-American, was a doorman at my apartment building in NYC. I lived in this building for 2years. He always opened the cab door for me, helped me swing the revolving door during winters (they get tight), lend me umbrellas when I forgot mine and stood at the door with a sad face. Helped me move my stuff from apartment to apartment (I moved 3 apartments in the same building in 2yrs), helped me open my apartment when I forgot my keys (atleast once every week). Willy was there when I needed him.... In turn, I always made sure I treated him with respect, got him cake once in a while, tipped him once in a while, got him lottery tickets for Christmas (not sure if he won any), sometimes starbuck's gift cards and a hug when I was leaving the place.

Service provider no 2 - we called her Aunty (her name was Seema) and this was when I worked for Satyam Hyderabad and lived there for 2yrs.

Seema Aunty, a Marwari woman, cooked lunch at her house for Satyam Employees (Her house was close to Satyam office and she being a house wife started this lunch business). She was very organized, made only vegetarian Marwari food, was awesome cook and did everything by herself (Her husband worked as a accountant in a small firm and her Two brilliant kids went to IIT Mumbai and Warangal REC). She had atleast 20 to 25 people for lunch and the lunch met six sigma standards I must say. My rented place was one block away from my work place and Seema Aunt’s house. I was introduced to her by a colleague and then on I had my lunch almost every day at her place. Some times I used to be there a bit early and instead of just sitting and waiting...I would step in to her kitchen and help. She liked it and those conversations while I had my lunch. She helped me get a gas cylinder, helped me with my cooking skills... we went shopping, temple, morning walks, dinners .... Uncle (her husband), used to tell me stories from his work place etc. He used to help me with other outdoor stuff like finding an electrician, mechanic for my Scooty, cable guy, internet, phone etc. Mutually, I tried to be there for them when they needed me. Helped them with their internet skills (to talk/chat with their kids. Kids were proud that their parents learnt using internet), rented movies for them, accompanied them to their doctor etc. They also met my parents when they visited me in Hyd. This was in 2004 and they have now moved from Hyd to Jaipur. They keep in touch and ring me up occasionally.....

Service Provider no 3 - Mr. Matt, a British who shuttles between NY (work) and London (family) lived in the same building as I did in NYC.

Mr. Matt, a Brit, mid 50s lived in NY for work. Looks very Brit, spoke Brit (of course) slim, in suit and tie. He worked at NY stock exchange and lived in the same building as I, but every 2 weeks he visited his family in London.

So, how did I meet Mr. Matt? On one snowy day, I walked out of my apartment building to get a cab, I saw Mr. Matt waiting for a cab. So, I stood behind him (since he was there first). Willy, the doorman, asked me, ‘Yellow cab or Black cab... “. I said yellow (black cabs were expensive). Mr. Matt looked at me said,’ Good Morning’. I wished him back and we waited. A black cab pulled over and Mr. Matt walked up to the cab...then looked back and asked me if I wanted to share a cab with him. I said ok and got in.

My stop was just few blocks away... so, Mr. Matt asked me where I wanted to get off and told the driver. Then he asked me where I was from and what am I doing in NY etc. After I gave him my intro, it was his turn. He told about himself and then when he learnt that I lived/worked in London for a year, he was happy and started asking me if I visited this place ..that place etc etc. He told me his fav place was Paris and asked me if I had ever done the Euro-Rail trip (I hadn't..Ya! I know..). He had taken his girlfriend (now his wife) for lunch to Paris by Euro-Rail one day..(Just for Lunch? that was awesome…I thought). He said I must do that trip once atleast and talked about how much he likes the Euro-Rail etc etc. All this talk was during this 10min ride to my workplace. The cab pulled over and I got off, thanked him for the ride. He said. ‘will see you at the apartment building someday…have a good day!’. He was going to London that day... ...and I did not see him again….

These were few interesting people I could relate in the same sequence when I read the article from the above URL.... there are many such wonderful people that I have come across. So far it’s been all good experiences with all these wonderful people (touch wood!!!!!)……